What is the service fee of Zinequest?

Sales on digital products will be at 20% royalty. You receive 80% of the earned income.

What is Zinequest’s 20% royalty fee used for?

We plan on using the funds generated from this platform to accomplish the following goals:

  • Provide fulfillment and printing assistance to Zine campaign projects.
  • Provide printing options for zines (print on demand).
  • Continue to develop and improve the site (for vendors and for customers).
  • Create marketing material (like social posts and actual plays) of products.
  • Create a grant program to jumpstart zine products.
  • Create our own awards.

What rights or ownership are you granting Zinequest by hosting your zines in our store?

By entering and uploading your product to this site, you are granting Zinequest LLC a limited license to sell and redistribute your product. You still retain all rights to your works and can remove them at your discretion.

Is there an exclusivity clause?

No. All works submitted are assumed to be created by you, directed by you, or that you have permission to publish. You may host or sell them in any venue or sales channel you see fit.

Is AI material allowed?

No. Works submitted do not contain AI-generated (diffusion-model) artwork or LLM (GPT) text as part of the final product. We take a hard stance against shovelware and products that do not have a human hand in its creation. If there is a suspicion that generated works make up a majority of a product’s content, then that product and/or creator can be removed at Zinequests disgression.


If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to friday@zinequest.com